Tuesday, 13 December 2011

The Sweat Shops.

dirt, sweat and desperation.
you work for twelve hours, making fifteen cents per each grueling piece of fabric.
they consume what you produce and spit it back out at you with a higher price.
it's sickening, it is.

to end the mistreatment is to end lives.
therefore you must carry on.
your source of living comes from their beatings and their higher powers.
wait.. how is that living?
that's being.

all the rebels and devils line up by the edge.
they're all glaring down while the others look up with hopeful eyes.
the elegance that once was is now lost because they followed their lead.
they listened to their lies. that makes it okay. the big guys said it's okay.
so they consumed and they consume.
and the producers suffer and pass with two coins in their pocket.

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