Thursday, 22 December 2011

No Comment.

existence is bleak in a colourful world.
and passion is present for those who it seeks.
but those who flourish in black, white and green do not see the world as it is meant to be.

they listen not to the truth that is masked behind walls.
they chose to believe lies created to please.
those with green flags ruin those with green thumbs.

five times a year they fly over seas and chose to ignore all that they are not.
if the truth is seen and not enjoyed, the truth shall be deemed untrue.
this in the mind of those who can feed the world with one coin from their pocket.

next door there is death. there is starvation and there is weakness.
but here there are structures and lights and shiny things.
their neighbours lie sick as they feed corruption.

those who have nothing give more than they have.
and those who have everything give hardly anything at all.
time to flip the world upside-down and force open the eyes of the blind.

Tuesday, 13 December 2011

The Sweat Shops.

dirt, sweat and desperation.
you work for twelve hours, making fifteen cents per each grueling piece of fabric.
they consume what you produce and spit it back out at you with a higher price.
it's sickening, it is.

to end the mistreatment is to end lives.
therefore you must carry on.
your source of living comes from their beatings and their higher powers.
wait.. how is that living?
that's being.

all the rebels and devils line up by the edge.
they're all glaring down while the others look up with hopeful eyes.
the elegance that once was is now lost because they followed their lead.
they listened to their lies. that makes it okay. the big guys said it's okay.
so they consumed and they consume.
and the producers suffer and pass with two coins in their pocket.

Saturday, 10 December 2011


you take a look down,
you look all around
you see it all- you see nothing at all
what is it that your eyes rest upon?
a perception of reality.
not yours.
not mine.
just a perception that has been inherited- that has been influenced by the minds of others.

you do not touch what you feel.
you do not feel what you feel.
it is the mind.
the mind inside.
the mind's perception.
not your perception.
not my perception.
the perception.

we are matter.
we do not matter.
we are not energy.
we possess energy.
we possess knowledge.
we possess a perception of knowledge.
not your perception.
not my perception.
it's the perception that's been passed on.

we trust those whom we have never met.
they tell us how to live our lives,
because they've lived their lives.
they are not deemed sane until they are long gone.
yet we follow in their path.
it is their perceptions.
their perceptions are not their own.
they are someone else's.

there is no such thing as an original idea
we are seeds.
we are planted.
we are monitored.
we grow.
we live.
we flourish.
we seek nutrition.
we thrive.
we weaken.
we wilt.
we pass.
and another seed is planted from our plant.
we are a chain of living.

life is just a perception of a perception.
a wrong perception.
a false perception.
a satisfying perception.
therefore it is the perception we chose to follow.