This is my first recorded Spoken Word poem! If you're interested, please click on the text above to listen and follow along to the words if you'd like!
If you'd prefer not to, you can just read it here:
My home was a structure so delicately built on a cloud that floated at nine
Soul was strewn into the cracks in the woodwork and passion laced the floorboards
Mother Nature would intertwine her fingers with the sky and warm the atmosphere with love
On the walls I would write my deepest thoughts of pain, pleasure and hope
I would inscribe the stories of my past, my dreams, my everything; my walls kept me safe
Sweet serenity would drift in under the crevice that graced the doorway to bless me with the security of the mind
Floating above the masses it never rained where I was; always sheltered from darkness and the depths
As I aged though, my legs were stretched and my arms were pulled
Like taffy, I was pliant and consumed by a force of which I could not control
Weighed down by changes of new, I grew too heavy for my home to support
From the sky I plummeted, tumbled, toppled and to the ground I collapsed
From this new view I could see my haven, my heaven, my oasis; but it was much too far to reach
I must go on living in this new world alone
Always on my tail my shadow creeps along
Until I find I need its company and then it's gone
So bitter are the days when I feel alone
Surrounded by faces but no one's home
For comfort I glance above to see the place I once called my own
Inhabited by a being of unrecognizable stature; I cower in fear and terror from the site of my home
My walls have been disrupted by strangers unknown
The marvels I once scrawled upon their perimeter have sunk within the grain and have been buried by the works of a new hand
All that once was mine; all that shielded me from the cold whisperings of the wind has now been transformed
I must now transfix my gaze forward; to look again would be too much of a shock
Each step I take will be a mission; a journey that will lead me to my new life where I will build new walls and write new words
Each breath I breathe will fill me with the new drive I shall need to strive on; and strive on I shall
Off to this new world will I go, soft and slow, steady and careful and wonderfully aglow